I‘ve always believed if you speak something into being, it will come true. Whether it is telling the universe that you’ve put your hard hat on to get to work, revealing your heart’s inner desires to God, or your own determination to see things through, I believe a combination of all of the above insists beautiful things do happen.

And that was how my Year of 30 went.

I tend to get reflective around this time of year. One part becoming a year older, the other part due to the new year peeking around the corner. I have been given another 365 days to experience life, and that alone is not something to be taken for granted.

And within those past 365 days, I challenged myself to do things that I thought I would never do, I hoped for things that are not thought I could never have, and I prayed for wisdom that I thought I would never understand.

There is a mighty power in believing in one’s own destiny. You travel to unknown lands and force yourself to see things with fresh, new eyes. It’s a future of possibility and blessings. And I, for one, am ready to get that passport stamped!

So here’s to the dream of determination, the hope of new challenges, and the wish for the opportunity to make my little corner of the world a tiny bit better than what it was yesterday.

See you later, Year of 30. And with much enthusiasm, hello, the Decade of 30! You’re going to be the best one yet!

– Chelsea 🙂